6444 Height Rescue - Authorized Rescuer
Course Code: 6444 Duration: 8hrs
As worksite safety evolves and improves globally, it is common to observe workers at height using fall protection systems consisting of the essential components of an anchor point, body support, and connector. A fourth component that is often overlooked is the ability to retrieve a worker should they become suspended in the system.A fall protection system is only effective if the ability to rescue the suspended worker is planned for and available. This one-day training program will educate students on the fundamentals of industrial rescue and the basic techniques used to retrieve a worker suspended in a fall arrest system. Participants will learn course content through a combination of direct instruction, workbook exercises, and multiple ‘hands-on’ rescue skills workshops.Course participants are those who would assist in the retrieval of a worker while under the supervision of a competent rescue leader. The course material will provide students with an engaging, enjoyable, and effective learning environment.Fall Protection training (minimum Authorized Person) is required prior to participating in this course.Features
- Regulatory requirements
- Rescue plans
- Scene assessment
- Rescuer roles
- Block and tackle rescue systems
- Gearing assisted rescue systems
- Risk management
- Rescue categories
- Self-rescue techniques
- Rescuer operated techniques
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Target Audience
Workers who assist in the retrieval of a worker.
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