6424O Virtuelle - Personne compétente en matière de protection contre les chutes
Code du cours: 6424O Durée: 16hrs
Protecting workers at-height is a challenging task and is dependent on particular job site situations and individual worker duties. There are many fall protection solutions available to workers, each having its own specific requirements. Understanding each option and proper implementation requires oversight by an experienced individual with a higher-level of knowledge and safety training. This two-day course educates students on the various components of a worksite fall protection program and will also help develop the skills required of a Competent Person. Participants will learn course content through a combination of direct classroom instruction and multiple workshops. Course participants are those who may be involved with a managed fall protection program including the employer, supervisor, safety personnel, workers, and rescuers. The course material will provide students with an engaging and enjoyable learning environment.Caractéristiques
- Fall hazard identification
- Fundamentals of working at height
- Fall protection oversight
- Worksite programs
- Passive systems
- Administrative controls
- Fall protection planning
- Fall arrest system components
- Positioning systems
- Equipment care
- Rescue overview
- System analysis
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